It's alright, we've all had them. When I was a senior in college, my goal was to move to NYC after I graduated, but I had no money saved up, nor did I have a job in line. I've been trying to start a blog for the past two years, but not once did I think about what I would write about. I'm not really one to make goals, I'm more of the type to just do whatever makes me happy. As I've gotten older, I've realized that it's a great feeling to know that you've accomplished something you set out to do. This year, I decided I needed to be a little more conscious about the goals I make--they needed to have a purpose. Before you get too excited, these goals aren't going to be LEGEN...wait for it...DARY, they're not going to be legendary. They are going to be realistic and purposeful things that I know I can hold myself accountable to and feel proud of at the end of the day (and that's what I suggest for you too).
- Wear my hair curly twice a week because being natural is beautiful.
- Apply to Teach for America in hopes of not only bettering my own future, but the futures of young people that will one day be in our shoes.
- Write at least one blog entry a week to show my fellow 20-something year olds that they are not alone on this journey called life.
- Find a steady place to teach Zumba because I want to share the joy I feel when I'm able to dance and be my crazy, silly self.
- Continue to empower females to be strong, smart and bold.
Specific- Remember in 1st grade when you learned all of the components that make up a sentence? Put that skill to use! (In case you forgot...who, what, when, where, why, how.)
Measurable- Ask yourself questions such as "how much?" or "how many?" to help you be able to track your progress in quantifiable measures.
Attainable- Make sure that this is something that you're both willing and ABLE to do. You may be willing to, but if you're not able to get to it right away, then make a smaller goal that will help you progress and reach this bigger goal.
Realistic/Relevant- A goal can be both challenging and realistic. It makes it easier if it's helping you work towards or improve something.
Timely- Set a specific time frame in which you wish to reach your goal(s).
Feel free to comment what goals you're committing to this year.
Happy goal setting, errbody!
Is this really yours Jeri-Ashley? Good job...😃😃😃:)
ReplyDeleteSorry about the triangle things. I was trying to put a happy face.