In the friend zone...where you left them. Where we all left them. I know we all say that we want a "good guy" that will treat us like a Queen/Princess/magical unicorn, but I'm convinced that what many of us want (myself included) is someone that treats us like total and complete crap. Wait, before you start disagreeing with me, let me explain myself. I've noticed, not only in myself but in my female friends as well, that we subconsciously gravitate towards assholes and guys that we feel need to be "fixed" or "worked on." Sure, maybe initially you thought this guy was Prince Charming with his smooth talk and swagger of a high school boy, but then little red flags began to pop up here and there. He doesn't text you back, but you know he has his phone because you lurked every piece of social media he has and he just revined that video and liked that photo on Instagram and favorited Justin Beiber's tweet. He doesn't practice good hygiene and expects you to wait on him hand and foot. He called you by another girls' name, but it was an accident because you know he only loves you. Whatever small thing it is, it's a red flag. What I'm getting at here is that females tend to be entranced by these losers and d-bags and psychos because we want to feel needed. We NEED to feel needed. Who better to be needed by than some p.o.s. who can't take care of himself or is emotionally unstable? We put so much time, effort and energy into trying to fix someone else, that we completely lose who we are because we are so caught up in this other person. Then, when we finally realize that all of our efforts were for naught or he breaks it off because it "just wasn't working" for him, we break down and go crying to these guys that we friend-zoned 8 months ago because we thought Tommy over here was sooooo perfect and now he's just an asshole who broke our heart. All along, you had this great guy (a frequent victim of unrequited love) sitting around conjuring up sexist feelings, wondering why you and every other female he knows are such dumb asses--including his mother. So before you go having a pity party because there are no "decent guys left" for you to date, remember that you tied them up, blindfolded them and locked them in the closet.
cry cry cry. lol